The End of a Season

backyard pollinator garden virginia beach photography
backyard pollinator garden virginia beach photography
backyard pollinator garden virginia beach photography

This post originally appeared on Viewfinders.

The unseasonably warm temperatures in Southeastern Virginia have held my summer garden in bloom almost to the winter solstice.  But, tonight they are calling for the first frost and I know the blooming flowers will come to an end.

backyard pollinator garden virginia beach photography
backyard pollinator garden virginia beach photography
backyard pollinator garden virginia beach photography

As I set out to give the garden a quick clean up, I’m reminded of a photographer that I admire who recently announced she’d be doing a JPG shooting project in 2018.  I turn back inside and grab my camera, going into the menu and flipping over to JPG.  I make my way through the garden, shooting the remaining blossoms and the seed pods dropping their gifts to hopefully be delivered next year.

backyard pollinator garden virginia beach photography
backyard pollinator garden virginia beach photography

I take my time, focusing on telling the story of the end of a season.  Because I’m moving so quietly, the birds gain confidence and begin to visit the surrounding feeders, so I turn my lens towards them.  Despite the winter landscape that lies ahead in the coming months, the overwintering birds that flock to the wetlands in our backyard will keep the backyard full of life until the spring brings forth new growth in the garden.

backyard pollinator garden virginia beach photography
backyard pollinator garden virginia beach photography
backyard pollinator garden virginia beach photography
backyard pollinator garden virginia beach photography
backyard pollinator garden virginia beach photography
backyard pollinator garden virginia beach photography
backyard pollinator garden virginia beach photography

My Last Sunrise at the Frisco Pier


Through my Lens | January 2018