Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge’s Resident Great Blue Heron


When you take a walk on one particular nature trail at Virginia Beach's Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge you are almost guaranteed to get a glimpse of the resident Great Blue Heron. This beautiful create sits quietly in a little cove of water, sheltered by trees and moss. His calm demeanor is only slightly broken with the catch of his next meal.Herons aren't rare in Virginia Beach, in fact, some might call them common. But when you have a chance to see them up close and personal in their home, you will truly fall in love with them.

During my visit to see Back Bay's Great Blue Heron, I used the Sony a9 + Sony 100-400 mm f/4.5-5.6 to get in nice and close.⠀


Sunrise Walk in Avon


Sunset at The Point | Cape Hatteras Photography