Surf Trip to SoCal

We’ve been wanting to get down to SoCal for a while and were finally able to make it happen. I forgot how unique the beaches are and how awesome it is to watch the waves from up on a cliff. While Forrest braved the cold water and the crowds, I walked the shorelines and took in the views.

I find the constant line of the waves mesmerizing and caught myself sitting and staring for long periods of time. I’ve been studying various types of meditation in my yoga teacher training and we learned that meditation can happen while observing something repetitive. Ever since childhood, I’ve been captivated by movement. Whether it’s the ebb and flow of waves, the spinning of a ceiling fan, or the flicker of a flame, I can easily loose myself in the motion.

It’s easy to see why being by the ocean is therapeutic.


Hello Again, Friend


An Evening Visit to Frisco