Sunrise on the beach with the Lensbaby Edge 35

While summer started out as mild, the heat has really set in during the last couple of weeks. I am driven to start my morning walks earlier and earlier to beat the heat, but my body fights against crawling out to bed most days. On this particular morning I arose before sunrise and I decided to carry my camera with the Lensbaby Edge 35 mm down to the beach. The slice of focus created by the lens paired perfectly with the morning light and the slight haze of the heat and humidity. Capturing landscapes is often considered a straight photography practice, but I just love the abstract qualities offered by the Lensbaby lenses.

As I took my morning walk, soaking up the silent sounds of nature, I thought about how each morning looks different and yet so often the days feel the same.

These images were created with the Sony a7rIII and Lensbaby Edge 35 mm. Visit Lensbaby and use promo code wCarr for 10% off your purchase.


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