The Secret to Becoming a Better Photographer
black and white photography, virginia beach photographer
I was chatting with an online photography friend the other day. We were both expressing our frustrations with recent workshops, e-books, and other educational tools we had invested in. For years, I have taken classes; learning, gaining inspiration, and growing as a photographer. But for the past few sessions, I've found that they aren't meeting my expectations. I invest in a workshop, hoping to walk away a changed photographer. I buy bundles of e-books during flash sales thinking that after I read them, I'll have the secret. But, you know what? I already know the secret.... and it doesn't lie inside someone else's written word.
Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working. ~ Pablo Picasso
Maybe you're familiar with this feeling. Maybe you too have felt frustrated that reading a book or spending time online studying photography hasn't helped your growth as a photographer. Maybe, like me, you are at a place in your journey where you know the technical aspects of creating photographs, but you still want to create better photographs. Maybe you're lost, wondering what you can do to advance to the next level. Maybe you are looking for the secret, too.
I'll tell you the secret. The one thing that you need to hear. I know, because I needed to hear it too. I have to remind myself frequently. Are you ready? Here goes...... Put down the books, close the browser windows. Put your phone on vibrate in your bag. Pick up your camera. Create a photograph. Evaluate that photograph, consider what you like or don't like, what you could improve. Pick up your camera. Create another photograph. Evaluate that photograph, consider what you like or don't like, what you could improve...... and just keep doing it. The only way that we are capable of growing as photographers is to complete the practice of creating photographs.
The only thing you can control is how hard you work. ~ Kate T. Parker