Incredible Orange Sky Sunset at Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge

orange sunset back bay national wildlife refuge virginia beach photography

You guys.  Time is flying.  Like, really, really flying.  I'm fairly certain that yesterday was August.  But, it wasn't.  It wasn't October either, but that's closer than August.  When I sat down to write this post, I realized just how many weeks of images I had yet to share.  So, this month's Viewpoints are pulled from October.  I still owe you those September images from the Alps (if you're reading this, Michele, they're coming, I promise!!) and also that wonderful trip to Oregon to visit family and Washington for Click Away.  But, until then.... you get a breathtaking sunset at Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge.

orange sunset back bay national wildlife refuge virginia beach photography

It was a beautiful, warm, Indian Summer night in Virginia Beach.  Forrest finished up work in time for a quick surf session at the Sandbridge Pier, so I tagged along for some photo time.  Michele joined us for sunset and we made our way to Back Bay.  The skies were perfect, painting yellows and golds perfect for this time of year.

orange sunset back bay national wildlife refuge virginia beach photography

The light on the water was magical as the sun dipped below the tree line in the distance.  We all watched in awe, appreciating those October skies.

orange sunset back bay national wildlife refuge virginia beach photography
orange sunset back bay national wildlife refuge virginia beach photography

The T Family | Virginia Beach Anniversary Portraits


Virginia Beach Oceanfront Senior Portraits