Jennifer Carr

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Our Neighborhood in Avon

Sometimes, when I'm feeling outside of myself, the only thing that will ground me seems to be a walk with my camera.  As I'm walking, I try not to force things, I usually just stumble upon something I feel is worth photographing.  On this particular morning in Avon, I had missed the sunrise but decided to make my way down to the beach anyway.  The morning was quiet, the beach deserted except for a few shore birds and a surprise deer in the dunes.   After spending a little time soaking up the solitude, I turned and headed back to the house.  Fitted with the Lensbaby Edge 80, I documented the common sights in the neighborhood... our dune crossing which thankfully saves us from storm surge, the power lines where there is always a group of doves to be found, the cats which hang around the house down the street, and the surf shop turned apartment building with the most colorful car out front.  These are the things that I think of when I think of my neighborhood, these are the places that I call home.