Exploring the Big Easy.... A Visit to New Orleans

new orleans street musician

new orleans street musician

This spring I attended a photography workshop in New Orleans.  I had never been to the Big Easy before, so I made sure to arrive a day early and stay a day late to give myself time to explore the city and find out what all the fuss was about!  I'll be honest, I was a little bit surprised when I fell in love with it there.  I expected old, dirty, dingy, and smelly with people falling into the street after a few too many.... much like a frat house I went to once (okay, okay, it was more than once!).  And while there was plenty of that, there was also charming streets filled with historic homes and beautiful gardens, bright colorful art work and smiling faces, and the most beautiful music pouring out of each speaker I passed.  I was disappointed when I boarded the plane home to not have booked a few more days to see it all.... and especially hear more of that jazz!

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new orleans

new orleans street musician

new orleans street musician

new orleans

new orleans

new orleans trolley

new orleans trolley

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new orleans

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new orleans

new orleans

new orleans

new orleans

new orleans

new orleans

new orleans

new orleans

new orleans

new orleans

new orleans

new orleans

new orleans

new orleans

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I stayed at The Pontchartrain, a charming hotel in the Garden District.  It was quiet and yet filled with life, historic and yet modernized, and beautiful but quirky.

new orleans ponchartrain hotel

new orleans ponchartrain hotel

new orleans ponchartrain hotel

new orleans ponchartrain hotel

new orleans ponchartrain hotel

new orleans ponchartrain hotel

new orleans ponchartrain hotel

new orleans ponchartrain hotel

Throughout the trip, I carried the Sony a9 + 24-70 mm f2.8 lens and the Sony a6500 + 20 mm lens.  


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Lantern Asia at Norfolk Botanical Gardens